In case you are looking for the extended vehicle warranty for your cars then Auto Warranty Companies offer different types of car warranties to you. You need to know each of them in details, as this will help you make an educated choice to buy one. You should also know what your extended vehicle warranty covers and what it does not cover, as only then you can get the plan that suits your vehicle. Below given are some of the best types of Extended Vehicle Warranties, let us understand them-
Different plan types of Extended Car Warranty
It offers the coverage for the transmission, engine and driveshaft
This is the basic types of Extended Car Warranty that tends to cover specific aspects and particular parts
Powertrain Plus
This one is the extended version of Powertrain and it covers the breakdown and wears & tears of driveshaft, engine, transmission, seals, gaskets, and axle, etc.
It costs more than Powertrain as it is more inclusive and that is why, a bit expensive as well but in a whole, it can save really a good amount of money on expensive repairs
Full coverage
Opt for this one if you are amongst those who prefer going for premier plan
It covers all vehicle aspects that comprise Powertrain components and other vehicle parts
It would be prudent to choose this one if you are seeking coverage for all aspects of your vehicle
Bumper to bumper
This one is popular as premium plus warranty
Via this Extended Car Warranty, you will be able to add coverage for your vehicle when purchasing new vehicles
By opting for this types of warranty, you can cover any vehicle part that may break down or wear out
By knowing previously mentioned Extended Car Warranty plans, you can easily choose the best plan that suits your specific needs and adds value.
The most useful way to compare different dealers simultaneously is to do your research online.